("Pelästyn." (I'm scared.))
A derogation to my ever-funny comics...
(Jussi: Miks sä kiitokselet HÄN?! (Why do you thank HIM?!)
Janne: Se on hänen syy... (It's his fault...)
Theon: Miks HÄN kiitoksele SINÄ?! (Why is HE thanking YOU?!)
Vivian: Ja MINÄ olen kaatelinen? (And I am jealous?)
Theon: Niin olet. Nyt, MIKSI??? (Yes you are. Now, WHY???))
Situation: While checking Rakkautta Ja Piikilankaa's booklet (note: Uniklubi's first album), I stubled across the thanks and noticed that Janne was thanking Vivian... Of course, it was during the "let's-get-obsessed-with-Theon-cause-Las-says-so" period so it kinda struck me. And yeah, dirty thoughts came to my mind. Muahahaha.
Don't you think Janne looks all cute like that? I do think so.