Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"It said banana."

Taking some time off now... Got to focus a bit on school, and I'm running out of ideas... ^_^' I'll keep updating from time to time, though, so don't just leave!

{When they parted, they were both panting slightly. Linde felt his cheeks burn.
“Was it even flavoured?”
“It said banana.”
Linde looked at him suspicuously, then his face slowly broke into a grin.
“Did it? You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you? Give me the damn thing.”}

Situation: Second illustration for Phaelas! This time of the 4th chapter of the fic (previous to the first illustration I made). Again, paragraph under the pic is taken from the story, still written by Phaelas. You can read the whole chapter - CAUTION: slash! - by clicking HERE, or go to the beginning of the fic HERE (the start is at the bottom of the page). Enjoy!

Slutty, sluttier, sluttiest...

(Jay - Janne - Pasi
Snack *kiss* - Antti - err-
*kiss.* Anti - ...Sör - Jussi *eeek!*
"I'm so sluttier than you!)

Situation: Ok, so not my best, I must admit. I'm kinda running out of viable ideas, so this will probably be one of the last updates for a while. If anyone wants to send me ideas...
So! We were comparing Jonne (from Negative) and Teemu (from Uniklubi) as they were both the slut of their respective band. We came up with a slut-contest, and I must admit that the end is not very well-thought... But hey: I've published what? 25 comics in 2 weeks? Gimme a break ^_^'
Note the fact that Jonne litteraly jumps on Larry, that he runs from Sör Christus (I'm SO impartial in my drawings XD), and that Antti is not so willing himself. Teemu is not so fond of his own Antti and Janne is jealous of Jussi kissing him back. ^_^'

Not PINK!, but...

(Not pink
...but not far)

Situation: Ok, now the focus is all on Bloodpit for a moment. After Matthau vs. Christus, there's Bloodpit's drummer, Alarik, dressed as a girl under Matthau *calm*, *posed* and *dark* look. The idea actually came from a videoclip of the band - anteeksi, I don't remember the name of the song - in which he was actually dressed like that.
Or so. We couldn't get captions from it, so I based my drawing on Pastlink's explanations since I hadn't seen the video myself.
Matthau is fun to draw. I think you can guess what his "trademark" will be in this comic... XD

Ref (normal Alarik, sorry) :

(Alarik, Bloodpit)
(his hair is normaly lighter than that)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dark vs. PINK!

(I mean...
Really: who's evil here???)

Situation: You must well know Sör Christus and his clothing taste by now (if you don't, go take a lokk down here). Surprise! : he has a younger brother (actually step-bro, by their mom), named Matthau, and who's actually Bloodpit's singer.
Now if Christus is PINK!, Matthau is Dark. Confronting the ideas by which they look slightly alike, here is our comparison.
YES, they got big heads and tiny bodies. *rolls eyes*
Oh, and I'm beginning to be freaked out by the fact that I don't really need references to draw Christus anymore. I will take vacations from him...

P.S.: The way I drew Matthau, he looks SO MUCH like Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance!!! Was not intended of course ^_^'


(Matthau from Bloodpit - good looking, huh? Pinkass's property!)

Ballet: rock on!

(Neither Tuomas, nor Perttu...
...have understood the subtleties of BALLET...)

Situation: O dear Pastlink, adept of stupid -no hard feeling hun- nicknames for the artists we love! Tuomas has been kindly renamed "Tutu", and thus we saw a curious link get forged between him and Perttu, who demonstrated a lot of dignity in front of his fans. See, there's been a fanfic written, about him getting into a PINK! tutu (I haven't read it myself, but I'm sure it was f*cking twisted). Now, the fans had the good idea, as all fanfics writers, to get him a copy of the said fiction, along with an home-made PINK! tutu sewed with love. It was really just a "package gift" because no one really expected him to do what he did, but with a defying, "How rock'n'roll can you get?", he put the tutu on.
Lovely man.
So, yeah, that's Tutu and Perttutu, the classical ballet dancers. ^_^

Ref (I had to show you this!) :

(Perttu, with his Rammstein t-shirt and his pink tutu! XD)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Decide already!

(*thinks* - *blinks* *blinks*
*huuumm* - zzzzZZZ
"I take Alexi!" oho! - eeek! "Nooo! He was mine!!" narttu!
niin, olen narttu <3>
Situation: When we "fill" our closets with a new "batch" of Finns, we do it in a very fair way: each of us takes a Finn when it's her turn. Ok, so Alexi's "seizure" didn't happen like that really. Actually, Pastlink showed me a pic of Children of Bodom - Alexi Laiho's band - and suddenly she added, "I claim Alexi!"
What you must know is that Alexi's is to me as Teemu is to Pinkass. In fact, more "AleKSi", but well, it's still a Finn named Alexi. So he was destined to me.
I *did* eventually p*ssed off - shortly - Pinkass by owning the Muff, but I also got Alexi back when we egalized the numbers of Finns in our respective closets.
(and to be honest, I have absolutely no use for the Muff: his hair scares me enough to keep me away from him...)

"Got everything you need?"

{[...]“I’m not drunk! Why does everyone hate me?” The guitarist’s voice was so full of drunken hurt that Larry began to giggle, infecting Jonne and Antti as well, and soon everyone on the bed was shaking with laughter. [...]}

Situation: This is my first fanfic-illustration! The writing work - of which you can see a piece just above - is marvelously done by Phaelas, and you can find the complete chapter it came from - CAUTION: slash! - by clicking HERE, or go to the beginning of the fic HERE (the start is at the bottom of the page). Enjoy!


(Antti - Nakki (Snack) - Larry - Jonne - Christus - Jay)

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Situation: Reflexion and For My Pain's singer, Juha Kylmänen, pronounces his name in a way that it would sound a bit like a cow-boy screaming "Yeee-Ha!". A cow-boy rides his horse, a Pinkass rides... I'll let the end of the sentence to your discretion ^^

No refies needed anymore, huh? Juha's a regular ;-)

Fishnets - much more than just clothing

("Lookie what I caught!"
"Wow, that's a cute one!")

Situation: it had been a while since the fishnet joke had been around, but Pastlink kindly reminded me of it. She got Perttu (youngish one, since he doesn't wear his fishnet anymore) for he is in her closet and I got Jussi 69 (who seems pretty much as happy as Perttu ^^') since he is in my closet. ^^


(random guy - Jussi - Paavo - Eicca - Max - Perttu)

Do Juha - WHAT?

("In which position should I do Juha?"
"Öh -"
"(very coldly) "Huh."
"I mean, draw him.")

Situation: fruits of my lastest sleepover at Pastlink's. I was wondering how I would draw Christus so his undies would be visible (since it was the point of the strip) and I said, "Dans quelle position est-ce que je le mets?", which can be translated, from Quebec's figures of speech, by, "In which position do I f*ck him?" XD
Then we burst out laughing, and we decided to make it into a comic, slightly changed and adapted to our English-speaking viewers. So the "In which position do I do him?" is still a fairly good translation and shows well the spirit of our twisted minds. Note 2 things: Pastlink's kinda possessive about Juha ^^' - and I identified the color of her shirt ^^ /random.

No refies ^^

Close-up on Sör's undies

(*waiting for Jonne*
Everyone should have a Prince Charming...)

Situation: *getting mad here* Paskainen website gave me a f*uckin hard time uploading those strips. Anyway, back to... Christus's Barbie underwear! ^^
As promised, a better view of Jonne's (only?) obsession with Christus ^^ He's actually on the floor waiting for the said well-known Prince Charming - whom, in this case, may be more of a "Princess" than a "Prince - full of hopes and kinky plans. ^^'
