(Neither Tuomas, nor Perttu...
...have understood the subtleties of BALLET...)
Situation: O dear Pastlink, adept of stupid -no hard feeling hun- nicknames for the artists we love! Tuomas has been kindly renamed "Tutu", and thus we saw a curious link get forged between him and Perttu, who demonstrated a lot of dignity in front of his fans. See, there's been a fanfic written, about him getting into a PINK! tutu (I haven't read it myself, but I'm sure it was f*cking twisted). Now, the fans had the good idea, as all fanfics writers, to get him a copy of the said fiction, along with an home-made PINK! tutu sewed with love. It was really just a "package gift" because no one really expected him to do what he did, but with a defying, "How rock'n'roll can you get?", he put the tutu on.
Lovely man.
So, yeah, that's Tutu and Perttutu, the classical ballet dancers. ^_^
Ref (I had to show you this!) :

(Perttu, with his Rammstein t-shirt and his pink tutu! XD)
TUTU!!!! I mean: TUTU!!!!!
He's so goddamn hot like that (not hot as in sexy, nor cool :P, but just... wow!) He's SOOOO embarrassed =(o_ _)o** (<-- it fell) I LOOOOOOOVE it! With perttutu who's dancing like a crazy man and all... I mean WOW!
ps: yes, you do the sluts one in chibichibi like that! it'll be SO nice!
I can't belive he accually,like...did it!
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