Well, hello to you all then.
First, a bit of news from me.
I completed today the folder for my residence permit application, and visited the consulate in Montreal to get it stamped and whatnot. All went well. Of course. I knew what to expect. We're on Saturday now so since postal services are not running on weekends - so aren't public services like embassies, either - my stuff should reach Ottawa on Tuesday, then be shipped to Finland. Then, I wait 4 to 6 months. Meh.
Still, it's progressing. Me happy.
Then, I might have found a job, which is awesome. Money + stuff to do = <3
Now. Closet related: I will (really, this time) order a new batch/edition of Closet button badges, and since they will mostly be shipped to you (the 4 people reading this 8D) I need your opinion on what they should display. There will most likely be 15 different designs, plus the banner-bearing one.
So! Please fill THIS survey if you haven't already :)
I still have to work on the new website >_> And ask my brother for assistance cause I want to stab CSS with a sharp pencil -___-;;;
I will be attending the 69 Eyes' show in Montreal on November 4th. Don't know yet if I'll bother with a new series of promo drawings to get signed, since I already have a set. Though I still miss Archzie.... we'll see.
And, for those of you weird people who might check this blog before checking the site (or the 86349086 other feeds I post the link to new comics on), here's Kukka.
Random music news: You can hear The Rasmus' new single, "October And April", featuring Anette Olzon (<3), HERE (Youtube). I personally like it, though many people didn't.

So, I guess that's all for now. I leave you with this vision of horror from my (inexistent) sewing skills.

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