Mitä kuuluu? No, I don't really speak Finnish. No, sadly, not yet. Anyway, I'm working on it ^^
So you came around my closet and decided to take a peak at it, huh? Well, welcome in my personnal warehouse of Naked Finns!
Oh, not ALL my Finns are naked, and sometimes I'm borrowing my friends' (who are not all naked either), but you'd better be open to slashiness* and, if you dare to continue further, to sexual references and comments.
You have been warned, you enter my closet with full knowledge now.
Have Fun. ^^

P.S.: Some of the drawings are colored, some are not; some will eventually be, some won't. It'll be as I am pleased to do - and to my schedule will.
*slash/slashiness: pictures, fictions, behavior tainted with or just plainly male homosexual
This is the bestest idea EVER!
And I'm glad you're drawing some of my Finns... 'cause you know I can't draw for shit :P
I'm sorry I wasn't on tonight, but I now work on Tuesday nights.
Good work ^^
Err - what??
well, thats a nice poem youve received here ^^
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